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Unlimited Entry! Unlimited Chances!
More Orders More Chances To WIN!

 20 Winners & 20 Prizes!

The AUG 2015 Lucky Draw, we give away some of this seasons must haves!
Our prizes range from

1 st – 3 Carat SONA Diamond Ring
2 nd –
3 rd -

4th – Rc Helicopter With Camera
20th -Elegant Plated Rhinestone Simulated Pearl Bangles

Order your meal online with WhoEat.co.uk to get the chance to WIN.

More Orders More Chances To WIN!

garylailai - Poster Design 02 Final (Revision) 03-08

The Lucky Draw Schedule:

The Entry Period for the Lucky Draw is from 00:00 of 1st AUG 2015 until 23:59 of 31 AUG 2015.

WHOEAT’s customers can enter the Lucky Draw as many times as they wish but each entry must be accompanied with a WHOEAT purchase order number.

On 1st SEPT 2015, 20 participants will be drawn randomly with their purchase order numbers. Results will be announced in www.WhoEat.co.uk.